Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hello again! So I just finalized several upcoming auditions. It includes a theatre's season audition and a Guys and Dolls Jr. audition. The season audition includes A Christmas Carol and Peter Pan. For the Guys and Dolls Jr. audition I'm mainly shooting for Sarah Brown. (But inside I REALLY want to try for Adelaide) I don't know what possesses me to play roles outside my range. I guess the kind of roles that I would like to play are always outside my range. For example, I like to play roles opposite of what I am because its more fun! I mean, Sarah Brown is JUST like me...WHY ON EARTH WOULD I WANT TO PLAY SOMEBODY EXACTLY LIKE ME?!?

Although, what has really been frustrating is the knowledge that my voice is able to be flexed to sing mezzo, sometimes even alto. I've practiced Adelaide's songs, and I can sing them just as well as Sarah's, but I know the minute I sing too much mezzo, my upper voice will go down the tube. (which is reminded to me by my voice teacher almost everyday) So at this point, its more a question of what I want to be the rest of my life, a mezzo or Soprano 1. The only thing is, my voice teacher doesn't teach or approve of mezzos. The minute I started with her (age 12), she made me a soprano 1. Every time I show even the slightest of change towards a mezzo, she tells me "STOP!"

One thing I noticed though, my voice teacher always say I add to much heaviness. She also says that my voice seems as though I've been belting a lot. (btw-I WISH I knew how to belt!) She always asks, "Doesn't that feel pressurized?" And inside, I'm like "NOOOOOO!!!" It doesn't hurt at all, it feels natural...singing mezzo FEELS natural! What feel unnatural is when I have to warm-up like crazy to be able to sing a simple high note. I mean, it doesn't HURT, but it doesn't come as natural to me as to other sopranos. At this point I don't know where to turn or what to become. I know how precious and fragile one's voice is, and I don't want to screw things up. Hopefully, time will tell, but I have the feeling that my voice at this age is able to sing many differnt the question is, how do you know which one is supposed to be it?
I'm afraid that, I'll never know which range belongs to me, until it's too late and I lose my voice singing something I never knew was harming it...

What do you DO in a situation like this?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Chorus Costume

Hey y'all! So It's been about a week since I performed in my final performance of Once Upon a Mattress. OUAM (as I will shorten it to) was put on by my high school. It was a GREAT experience, especially for my first year in high school. Hopefully, I will have three more years of performing in our high school's musical! So I thought I would share some pictures from the experience!

In addition to being in the chorus ensemble, I was also "Princess no. 12" Princess no. 12's role included being tested in the first scene of the show. She was being tested by the queen to see if she was fit enough to marry the queen's son, Prince Dauntless. This part was small, but very fun to play. If you are interested in seeing me play this role, here's the link:

Princess no. 12 Costume
I might put up more pictures in the future! So for now, Adios, and I'll be talking to you soon!