Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Things I've Been Wanting to Say

Hey fellow thespians! So, currently I'm extremely bored. So I decided, today I will write a new post on my blog to just say a few important things!

1. Recently, I have posted several videos of me singing on YouTube! And I look forward to keeping those coming! I need subscribers, though, currently I only have two! If you have a YouTube account, make sure to subscribe, it would mean the world to me! Here's the link to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/msbroadwaybrunette I'm also looking for requests. Do you guys have any?

2. As you guys know, I just started rehearsing for Guys and Dolls Jr! It has just started, so I don't have a lot to say about it. I look forward to posting some pics for you guys as the show progresses! I also am doing a cabaret. We're are doing group numbers such as: Seasons of Love, The Telephone Hour, Just One Person, and We Go Together! I hope (if they allow me) to post the performance on my YouTube channel!

Mainly, this is what I'm focusing a lot on these days. Performing. Whether it's on stage or in front of a video camera :)

Last thing! Earlier in this post I metioned "Just One Person". Before the cabaret, I never heard of this song. Now that I have, I can't get enough of it! So I'm going to link the song here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Rfjl6tGW4 It's a beautiful song from Snoopy the Musical!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Big Turn in Events

Hello! So there is a big change of plan (again):

1. I managed to audition for Guys and Dolls Jr. It was one of the hardest audition processes I have ever been through. The first audition went well, I was one of four girls considered for Sarah Brown. (which by the way, I came in there wanting Adelaide, but oh well, aha) We also did a lot of reading that night, which has always been my strongest quality. Then I received a callback. At the callback it literally became between another girl and me. But what made it the hardest, was that this girl was my best friend! I mean I wanted the role badly, but I also felt like she also deserved the role. I mean- we were literally "neck-in-neck", but not in the terms of the same. We did everything differently. She soprano-sung "If I were a Bell" and I belted "If I were a Bell". During the crying part of a scene she did a low-silent cry and I did a high-pitched loud cry (hey, it made the audience laugh!). And what I lacked in singing, I made up for in acting. And what she lacked in acting, she made up for in singing! IT WAS CRAZY!!!

In the end- she got the part of Sarah. Honestly- I was quite devastated. And it took me a while to face my friend (even though it was completely not her fault). But after a day or two, I got over it, and genuinly became happy for her. For like I said, she deserved it :)

P.S.-I got the role of General Cartwright (which is not a guy, it's a woman) ((I said that because I get a lot of questions about the gender of the character I play, lol))