Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Things I've Been Wanting to Say

Hey fellow thespians! So, currently I'm extremely bored. So I decided, today I will write a new post on my blog to just say a few important things!

1. Recently, I have posted several videos of me singing on YouTube! And I look forward to keeping those coming! I need subscribers, though, currently I only have two! If you have a YouTube account, make sure to subscribe, it would mean the world to me! Here's the link to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/msbroadwaybrunette I'm also looking for requests. Do you guys have any?

2. As you guys know, I just started rehearsing for Guys and Dolls Jr! It has just started, so I don't have a lot to say about it. I look forward to posting some pics for you guys as the show progresses! I also am doing a cabaret. We're are doing group numbers such as: Seasons of Love, The Telephone Hour, Just One Person, and We Go Together! I hope (if they allow me) to post the performance on my YouTube channel!

Mainly, this is what I'm focusing a lot on these days. Performing. Whether it's on stage or in front of a video camera :)

Last thing! Earlier in this post I metioned "Just One Person". Before the cabaret, I never heard of this song. Now that I have, I can't get enough of it! So I'm going to link the song here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Rfjl6tGW4 It's a beautiful song from Snoopy the Musical!


  1. I listened to "Once Upon a Dream" and "If I Were a Bell" and I'm very impressed! You have a very good voice, and I hope this doesn't stir anything up, but you sound like you would have been a really good Sarah. :) I also subscribed/friended you. What other songs do you have in your repertoire? I would love to hear them!

  2. Thanks Bway2be, I appreciate it! Thanks for subscribing/friend request! "If I were a Bell" was kinda out of my vocal range, I don't have a great-belt, I kinda fake-belted it! So normally, my repertoire consists of the more soprano classical side of musical theatre. Some of the songs that I'll be posting soon are:
    I could have danced all night, Sixteen going on Seventeen, Think of Me, Till there was You, My Favorite things, One Boy, What Does He Want of Me, Vanilla Ice Cream, and A Little bit in Love.

    So, so more stuff should be coming!

    And thanks for your subscription Catherine!

  3. I'm excited to hear "Sixteen going on Seventeen" and "One Boy"! But I love all the songs. I just especially love those two.

  4. Thanks! I'm posting today a couple of songs!

  5. I subscribed, and I look forward to hearing "Vanilla Ice Cream"
