Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Recent Happenings

So, I have some news. I found out that I did not make A Christmas Carol. In a way, I'm not upset about it. Mainly because, if I were to make it, I planned on turning it down anyways. I have a lot of things that I want to do around the time of A Christmas Carol, and now I guess I can do them! I want to audition for the fall school play, join the honors choir, and play girls' fall tennis. So in a way, I'm relieved!

For the summer, I'm still in the process of rehearsals for Guys and Dolls Jr. and "Songs that Go Like This" (the cabaret) So all is good!

One thing I like to mention is my youtube account ( It's fairly new, and therefore does not have a lot of viewers!

When I first started musical theatre, I knew absolutely nothing about it! (which I feel is only natural) With help from (which I sadly miss) I gained knowledge, but there were some questions that I wanted to learn more about. So, I would search, none other than youtube! And when it came to musical theatre tutorials/questions on youtube, there are slim to none. So I always had the idea of answering common questions relating to musical theatre! But- I also wanted to sing. And so I thought, sing first and when your videos gain more viewers, make the videos that give advice!

You guys read in a video I put up the other day, that I'm having technical issues. When I record myself singing I use a Nikon digital camera. It's great with taking pictures- but as for videos where there's singing, not so much. The camera has awful sound quality, and muffles my voice. So I'm in the process of finding equipment. I have been asking youtubers what they use, and such. So within a couple months I should have the proper recording system. But as for now, I'm going to take this singing break to post those videos I mentioned prior! Some of my ideas are:

Musical Reviews
Advice for those of you with questions (musically related)
Tutorials (stage make-up, stage hair)
Common questions for starters (what to wear to an audition, how to overcome nerves, proper etiquette, gaining expierence and expanding repertoire, etc.)
and fun character montage videos (which I just posted one today, so check it out!)

But I need help from you, the viewers! I'd like to hear lots of requests! So check my youtube out, and spread the word to a friend! I also want to give a big thanks you to those of you who have been following my blog and my youtube channel from the beginning, I really appreciate your support and the feedback you have been giving me!


  1. That's a great idea! By the way, I use the noisy microphone on my computer and I use the "noise-removal" tool on an editing program called Audacity, which makes it sound significantly clearer. I hope that helps :)

  2. I would love to see a "What's In My Rehearsal Bag" video! Or what you bring to the theater on the day of the performance. =)

  3. Anica: I have worked with audacity in my music theory and recording class and it does work! Thanks for the idea, I might purchase that program.

    Mayalucia: I love both ideas, I'll put them on my list! I should be posting soon, either tomorrow or monday!

  4. Ooh, Anica, that sounds like a good program! I might have to use it too!

    And Holly, I'm sorry about Christmas Carol, yet relieved about it for your sake, too...can't wait to see the videos!

  5. Ohh, and check out my new blog entry on plans to revamp our own Musical Theatre Audition.

  6. Thank you bway2be. And I'll make sure to check it out!

  7. Very good ideas :) I too would love to see a "Rehearsal Bag" video :)

    check out my blog at: :)
    cheers :)

  8. Hi, Holly! Hope the rest of your summer is going well! I just gave you a blog award-check it out at my blog to see how to retrieve it!
