Sunday, June 6, 2010

Big Turn in Events

Hello! So there is a big change of plan (again):

1. I managed to audition for Guys and Dolls Jr. It was one of the hardest audition processes I have ever been through. The first audition went well, I was one of four girls considered for Sarah Brown. (which by the way, I came in there wanting Adelaide, but oh well, aha) We also did a lot of reading that night, which has always been my strongest quality. Then I received a callback. At the callback it literally became between another girl and me. But what made it the hardest, was that this girl was my best friend! I mean I wanted the role badly, but I also felt like she also deserved the role. I mean- we were literally "neck-in-neck", but not in the terms of the same. We did everything differently. She soprano-sung "If I were a Bell" and I belted "If I were a Bell". During the crying part of a scene she did a low-silent cry and I did a high-pitched loud cry (hey, it made the audience laugh!). And what I lacked in singing, I made up for in acting. And what she lacked in acting, she made up for in singing! IT WAS CRAZY!!!

In the end- she got the part of Sarah. Honestly- I was quite devastated. And it took me a while to face my friend (even though it was completely not her fault). But after a day or two, I got over it, and genuinly became happy for her. For like I said, she deserved it :)

P.S.-I got the role of General Cartwright (which is not a guy, it's a woman) ((I said that because I get a lot of questions about the gender of the character I play, lol))


  1. I'm so sorry-that has to be really hard. I've also had to compete wih friends but I'm really lucky that my friends are different types than I am but I feel like I've also gotten the short end of the street sometimes. How exciting you were so close though, and how fun to be in! How is junior different than the real version?

  2. Thanks :) It was really hard. The problem is, her and I are sooo much alike. And so every role we both audition for, we're against each other. For now, we've managed, but I'm just afraid one of these times it will take a toll on our friendship.

    Yea, in the end, I was happy enough with the satisfaction of getting that far in the audion process! I'm not entirely sure what's different between the two, because I've never seen guys and dolls or guys and dolls jr. I have a feeling that a lot of the "semi-inappropriate" stuff is cut out. The song, "Take Back you Mink" is also cut. But besides that-everything is pretty much the same!

  3. Oh, that's a difficult situation to be in :S
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